Friday, 3 January 2014

WebInterpreter - The Future of Video Interpretation

Is this the future for translating and Interpreting? Technology is rapidly changing the way we communicate every day, either via text, Facebook live chat, Skype etc so why not use it to expand our translation and interpreting services. 

We are fully aware at Convocco most people prefer face to face communication but
Convocco’s web-based videoconferencing service has the convenience of not having to find someone quickly in your area and it's proven to be just as effective as face-to-face interpreting. This also eliminates and travel costs so really as an extra service it's a winner all round.

  • Unlimited free training
  • Instant access with no delays
  • WenInterpreter removes the need for time-consuming security clearance
  • You can choose to have a video recording or transcript of your session
  • No need to travel benefitting the environment and reduces carbon emissions
WebInterpreter is very easy to set up and can be attached to your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. No software to install as it's used through your web browser. Simple and effective.

Hayder Al-Ani

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